Business Count
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development will be conducting our annual Business Count Survey from May-August in 2024
Thank you to all the businesses that completed the survey, stay tuned for the Annual Business Count Report!
Business Count Schedule
The Business Count team will be reaching out to businesses across Peterborough & the Kawarthas throughout the summer. Check out the schedule below to see when your municipality will be surveyed.
Municipality | Dates |
North Kawartha | May 13-17 – (Phone Surveys) |
Douro-Dummer | May 20-24 – (Phone Surveys) |
Trent Lakes | May 27-31 – (Phone Surveys) |
Havelock-Belmont-Methuen | June 3-7 – (Phone + In-person Surveys) |
Peterborough | June 10-July 12 – (Phone + In-person Surveys) |
Cavan Monaghan | July 15-19 – (Phone + In-person Surveys) |
Otonabee-South Monaghan | July 22-26 – (Phone Surveys) |
Asphodel-Norwood | July 29-August 2 – (Phone Surveys) |
Selwyn | August 5-16 – (Phone + In-person Surveys) |
Revisit all Municipalities | August 19-23 – (Phone Surveys) |
Agricultural Business Count Survey
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development will be conducting the Agricultural Business Count Survey between the months of February to April. The questions in this version of the survey are geared towards businesses in the agricultural sector in order to better capture and understand trends specific to that industry. The results of the survey will provide valuable insight into Peterborough’s agricultural sector and will better inform programming decisions and sector support. Businesses will be contacted by a PKED surveyor either over the phone or by email to complete the survey, with the opportunity to do the survey online through PKED’s website. This brief survey is voluntary and private business information will be kept confidential.
Click the button below to take the survey online!
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development (PKED) will be conducting a brief voluntary count that will provide valuable insight into the region’s economy. It is important that data is collected on as many businesses in the community as possible to establish a healthy benchmark for local employers, planners, and workforce.
The business count will ask questions such as:
- How many people do you employ?
- Do you import or export?
- What is the legal status and ownership of your company?
The business count data will:
- Provide a valuable annual snapshot of the region’s business community
- Identify vacant properties and spaces for new and existing businesses to locate, supporting the region’s main streets, business corridors and storefronts
- Provide improved regional workforce data
- Assist in making better informed decisions related to job growth, workforce development, business opportunities and community development initiatives
Employment data is being collected with four objectives:
- To establish a solid and dependable employment database
- To update our internal business directory
- To facilitate the regular collection of employment data in the future
- To enhance communication channels with businesses to directly share programs and opportunities that can benefit their operations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I know the count is legitimate?
If a surveyor calls you over the phone they will be calling from a verified Peterborough & the Kawarthas line. If you are unsure that it is someone from Peterborough and the Kawarthas Economic Development, please contact Laura Thompson.
Q: Why can’t PKED get this data from my taxes?
Tax information is strictly confidential and cannot be accessed by PKED staff. In addition, the Business Count requires specific data that is best obtained through a one-on-one interview process.
Q: Will my answers be kept confidential?
The information is being used, in part, to generate an updated internal business directory. We will provide municipalities the results of the count for businesses that agree to share the results. This will be something that we strongly recommend when administering the count. Businesses that do not want their information shared will have the specific details of their count kept private.
Q: I was already asked similar questions last week, why am I being asked this again?
It is possible that staff from another Regional department, local municipality or organization such as a Business Improvement Area were collecting information. PKED staff will not be interviewing an establishment multiple times.
Terms of Use
Data | Terms of Use |
Business Name | Private |
Business Description | Private |
General Business Contact Information | |
Business Address | Private |
Business Phone Number | Private |
Business Email | Private |
Business Details | |
“Are you a manufacturing business? If yes, what market sector does your business serve?” | Aggregate |
Home-Based Business | Aggregate |
Number of Employees | Aggregate |
“Are you hiring in the future?” | Aggregate |
Total Floor Space | Aggregate |
Farm – Acres | Aggregate |
“Are you planning on expanding your floor space?” | Aggregate |
“Is your floor space Owned or Leased?” | Aggregate |
NAICS | Aggregate |
Year Business Established | Aggregate |
Year Business Established at this location | Aggregate |
Locations outside of the Region | Aggregate |
Import/Export | Aggregate |
Legal Status | Aggregate |
Ownership Form | Aggregate |
Skills Shortage | Aggregate |
Contact Names | Private |
PKED staff may use this information publicly in aggregated form. For example, the floor space square footage of a specific business will not be made public, but the total amount of floor space in a municipality could be used publicly.
PKED staff will only use this information for internal purposes and will not share or publish the information.