Innovative Startups Receive Funding to Support Growth
Last week, was an exciting one for a few innovative businesses in Peterborough & the Kawarthas with the announcement of funding for high-potential, innovation-driven businesses in Southern Ontario offered through Northumberland Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC)’s N1M program.
This competitive program offers startups with performance-based funding, strategic support, training support, and a chance to pitch for up to $250,000 in financing at Northumberland CFDC.
Three of the businesses that received funding support were clients who have been continuously supported through Peterborough & the Kawarthas Business Advisory Centre – we are excited to see these hard-working business owners succeed in securing support to grow.
Owner Rick Dolishny created BlushDrop Wedding Video to help brides and grooms get the wedding video they deserve at a fraction of the cost. Friends and family do the shooting on their phones, and the BlushDrop team handles the editing. BlushDrop delivers a beautiful hand-crafted fully edited wedding montage with music and effects for just $349.
We saw Rick come through the Starter Company Plus program to continue to grow his business after we met Rick as a winner of Bears’ Lair in 2016.
Treewell Limited
We first saw Tyler Steeves come into the Business Advisory Centre when he was getting ready to launch TreeWell – a quintessentially-Canadian sparkling maple sap beverage. Later, the local beverage innovator, came in when he was looking to grow his new product “That Dam Tea”. One this ins for sure, that this beverage company producing thirst quenching beverages with natural, genuine ingredients to fulfill a purpose in their customer’s lives.
Biosphere GPS
Company Founder & CEO, Jordan Ahee was also a participant in our most intake of Starter Company Plus. His startup software company seeks to make it easy to explore nature, discover new places and plan outdoor activities more intelligently – and what better place than beautiful Peterborough & the Kawarthas to launch a business geared to exploration of the great outdoors.
We look forward to continuing to showcase and support these success stories as they demonstrate our region as a place to innovate.