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Objective 4

Start-Ups & Entrepreneurship

BAC Inquiries
BAC Consultations
Businesses started with support from BAC
Workshops hosted

Promoting Entrepreneurship through the Business Advisory Centre

Kawartha Family Business Group

Delivered a workshop on “Defining Your Customer Personas” to Kawartha Family Business Group. This presentation was requested following the workshop delivery at the Women’s Business Network in January 2023

Delivering a Business Pitch

Trent University guest speaker to 3rd and 4th year business students on how to properly deliver a business pitch. Provided the students real world critiques and experiences in their culminating presentations. 

Business Basics

the BAC partnered with the Innovation Cluster to deliver a “Business Basics” and Summer Company introduction workshop for the “Leap Zone Entrepreneurship Project @ KPRDSB Club”.

Funding Forum

In collaboration with the Innovation Cluster, the annual Funding Forum was held on June 13th at The Venue to provide businesses an opportunity to connect with financial and funding opportunities. The BAC moderated a five-person panel representing different lending institutions and covered common financing questions.

Access to non-repayable financing and grants and asking how to secure it for a small business has been a commonly asked question in Q2 through the BAC.

of surveys completed as of July 26th, 87 more than the 2022 survey

2023 Annual Business Count Survey

Since launching the 2023 Business Count Survey in May, the Business Count team has hit the ground running with over 1082 of surveys completed, surpassing 2022. The team is reaching out to businesses across each township, with follow-up occurring with those businesses requesting an EDO visit, or have a concern or inquiry.