Objective 2
Attract, Grow and Retain, leveraging our mix of urban and rural assets
Investment Inquiries
Tourism-dependent businesses supported
Leads Lost
Visitors served
Sporting events hosted
Business Development Inquiry Overview
- Available funding/grants for existing businesses (for construction, expansions, and just in general)
- Available industrial buildings that vary in size between 8,000sqft to 40,000sqft
- Employers that are currently hiring inquiring about where they can find workers
- Data and reports regarding part-time & full-time employment in the area and other various information
- Inquires asking how we can assist them in making connections to help them with their business
What has PKED been doing to help businesses grow?
- Start Up Visa Presentation
- Submitted application for RED funding for an Agriculture Sector project
- Submitted an application on behalf of a consortium for an Electric Vehicle Demonstration Zone Project in collaboration with Trent University, Fleming College, and three other post-secondary institutions
- Prepared for the annual Aerospace Summit (re-scheduled to Q2 due to weather)
- Supported OMAFRA to deliver Community Economic Development 101 Workshop
- Prepared to attend the Restaurants Canada Show in Toronto (April)