Objective 4
Start-Ups & Entrepreneurship
Promoting Entrepreneurship through the Business Advisory Centre (BAC)
Launch of Collaborative Business Fundamental Workshop Series
The BAC launched the new collaborative Business Fundamental Workshop Series presented in collaboration with Community Futures Peterborough and Innovation Cluster Peteborough and the Kawarthas
Summer Company
The Summer Company Program completed with 4 student youth entrepreneurs taking part from July to early September, operating small businesses in Peterborough & the Kawarthas.
Digital Main Street
Based on business feedback in Q3, the BAC is working with the Peterborough and the Kawarthas Chamber of Commerce and Digital Main Street to deliver marketing webinars taking place through October to December to support small businesses through digital marketing learning opportunities.
Workshops and Events to Support Entrepreneurs in Q3…
Workshops and events have been provided in a hybrid environment, including in-person and virtual throughout the City and County.